An agro-ecological future for food.

Four cousins, professionals in areas related to agronomy and ecology, founded Épicos to fulfill the dream of taking care of our damaged planet, giving work to a hungry society, making food healthy, and changing the rules of the game, forever.
We saw in Épicos a venture driven by the passion of its founders, with an objective that is as necessary as it is complex in the world in which we live. Working together with Épicos to improve the way they communicate with their audience, first started on social networks, then by looking for ways for their products to have the greatest possible impact on the market, thinking in new ways to grow their brand.

The world of agroecological, organic, sustainable food, etc.. is a land where small producers and enterprises predominate, which means often in these cases brand building and communication are left aside for a focus on production. We understand this, but at the same time, we believe that it is essential for these ventures to communicate with the best possible quality, and growing a brand is the means to establish an emotional relationship.

SBD Distinction - The Argentine Seal of Good Design is an official distinction granted by the Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation to the products of the national industry that stand out for their innovation, for their participation in sustainable local production, for its positioning in the market and its design quality.

For Épicos, we created a naming and product brand with a link both in the product category and with the name of the main brand, with the aim of enhancing brand recognition and association with the product category.
The idea for this packaging system was to design an attractive package that stands out on the shelf and clearly communicates the category, brand, type, characteristics, and benefits of the product.
We also incorporated an illustration that is a reflection of Épicos’ philosophy, not only in the way of cultivating its products but also in gender representation.